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Antique Aquiles
Sant Honorat, 9 Bajos

Middle Age
The House of the poet Samuel Bonastruc
Sant Honorat, 9 Bajos
Towards the end of the 14th century, this was a poet’s house, Samuel Bonastruc. It was located where today we find number 9 Carrer de Sant Honorat.
Antique Aquiles
Sant Honorat, 9 Bajos
Antiques. Advice, pieces, paintings and furniture restoration.
Antique Aquiles
Sant Honorat, 9 Bajos
In the 12th century (circa 1166), the traveler Benjamin of Tudela praised the Jewish community in Barcelona. He described it as a community "with intelligent and wise men of noble lineage." The Jewish quarter in Barcelona was an important literary center. Rabbis and scholars lived at the Call. Scholars like Samuel ha-Sardi, Salamó ben Adret, Nissim Girondi, Isaac Sheshet Perfet, Hasdai Cresques, Isaac Moixé, Nathan of Tarrega and Samuel Bonastruc. The poet Samuel Bonastruc and Salomon Piera belonged to the circle of Zaragoza, who was a group of poets representing Hebrew literature and who wrote in Romance languages, exchanged letters and took part in literary competitions and debates. In the 18th century, this building had a ground floor, two floors and a porch. The house that sits here today was rebuilt in 1849. The plaque commemorates the founding of the Col·legi St. Jordi (1898), the first modern Catalan school.
Antique shop dedicated to the buying and selling of antiques (furniture, lamps, paintings, porcelain, sculptures, clocks, silver, old tiles, antique jewelry and decorative items)
Web: www.antiqueaquiles.com
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Telèfon: 930104796
Horari: 10.30-14 16.30-19h
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