J. Miró
C/ llibretería #11
Roman ruins called Miraculum
J. Miró
C/ llibretería #11
J. Miró
C/ llibretería #11
You are in front of the Miró jewellery, managed by Jordi Miró. During the Late Antiquity, between the 4th and 8th centuries, the current carrer Llibreteria had exactly the same layout, continuing from the Via Augusta that went into Barcelona through the Castell Vell gate. During this period the public powers were weak, and a lot of the Roman monuments and buildings erected in the city during that period could still be seen. However, around the 6th century, the old structures by the forum were partially destroyed and the ashlars from those buildings were reused to build private houses. The Augustus temple had a ruinous state but it was still standing. At the time, this area was known as Miraculum, because for the local inhabitants at the time, this Roman structure was considered a bit strange. In this period, Christianity was strong and three parish churches were built in the city, Sant Miquel, Sant Just i Pastor and Sant Jaume.
Since its inception, committed to the distribution of parts and jewelry made by large chains. Distribute imitation jewelery and silver and feature a wide range of rings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches and earrings, offering customers original pieces.